Reviews of Yopie Prins, Ladies' Greek

Emily Wilson, Found in Translation: How Women Are Making the Classics Their Own in The Guardian (July, 2017)

Francesca Wade, Learning Greek Was Delight Inexpressible in The Daily Telegraph (June 2017)

Mary Townsend, A Woman Reads Greek in the Woods of Maine in Education & Culture: A Critical Review (2017)

Kathleen Adelaide, Reading the Classics and Yopie Prins’ “Ladies’ Greek: Victorian Translations of Tragedy” in Mirabile Dictu (2017)

Barbara Graziosi, “For the Love of It” in The Times Literary Supplement  (November 2017)

Claire Gruzelier in Classics for All (November 2017)

Elizabeth Helsinger,  Review in Modern Philology 115.4 (May 2018): 242-44

David Bullen, “Female Translators of Greek Drama” in The Classical Review 1-2 (2018)

John Kerrigan, in The London Review of Books 40.24 (20 December 2018)

Alison Chapman, Review in Victorian Studies 61.3 (2019): 506-08.

Shanyn Fiske, Review in Victorian Review 44.2 (2019): 285-87

Meryl Altman,  Review in  Women’s Studies 48.7 (2019): 793-96

Marjorie Stone, Review in Nineteenth-Century Gender Studies 15.1 (2019)

Maria Giovanna Campobasso, Review in Lingue Antiche e Moderne 8 (2019)

William Cohen, “Translation and Its Affects” in Victorian Literature and Culture 47.1 (2019): 203-215

Yopie Prins