Undergraduate courses

Great Performances (First Year Writing Requirement, Honors Core Curriculum); Engaging Performance; Translation Across Disciplines; 22 Ways to Think about Translation; Translating World Literatures; Comparative Literature in the Translation Zone; What is Literature?; Introduction to Poetry; Victorian Literature and the Woman Question; Women Poets and Feminist Critics; Victorian Poetry; The Victorian World of Gilbert and Sullivan; Gender and the Arts; Greek Tragedy in Modern Performance; Women Writers and Classical Myth; Poets After Sappho.

Graduate Courses

Victorian Poetry and Prosody; Nineteenth-century Women Poets; British Aestheticism;Feminist Literary Criticism, Interdisciplinary Seminar on “Hearing Voices in the Nineteenth Century”; Nineteenth-century Poetry and (in, as, of) Translation; Comparative Poetics and Lyric Theory; Graduate Introduction to Comparative Literature;  The Tropes of Translation; Classical Translations and Translating Classics; Comparative Approaches to Classical Reception; Translation of Poetry & Poetry of Translation; Translation Workshop

Doctoral Dissertations

2024: member of committee for Elisabeth Fertig , Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Radiopoetics: Sound and Gendered Subjectivity in the Austrian Horspiel after 1945”

2024: co-chair of committee for Lisa Levin , Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Reflections on Renee Vivien”

2024: member of committee for Ana Popovic, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Invalid Feelings: Affect in Crip Literature”

2023: member of committee for Fernando Gorab Leme, Ph.D in Classical Studies, “The Significance and Transformation of the Wedding Song in Greco-Roman Antiquity”

2023: member of committee for Alex Tarbet, Ph.D in Classical Studies, “Egyptian Folk Humor and Herodotus”

2023: member of committee for Elizabeth Reese, Ph.D in English Literature, “Forms Less Solid: Duration and the Romantic Long Form”

2023: chair of committee for Mason Jabbari, Ph.D in English Literature, “The Poetics of Archaism: Victorian Translators of Old Norse and Persian Legends”

2022: co-chair of committee for Alex Aguayo, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “(De)formations of the ‘I’: Contemporary Black Women Poets of the Americas”

2022: member of committee for Kayla Grant, Ph.D in English Literature, “The Descriptive Aesthetic: British Aestheticism and the Realist Novel in the Late Nineteenth Century”

2022: member of committee for Karl Gaudyn, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“A Sensuous Love of the Unseen: Beauty and Ordinary Life in the Works of Gautier, Pater, Proust and Bellow”

2022: member of committee for Megan Behrend, Ph.D in English Literature, “The Latinity of Middle English Literature: Form, Translation and Vernacularization”

2022: member of committee for Annika Pattenaude, Ph.D in English Literature, “Undisciplined: Reading Affects in Late Medieval England”

2022: member of committee for Lauren Sirota, Ph.D in English Literature, “Textual Encounters: Reading Character in the Nineteenth-Century Novel”

2021: member of committee for Megan Wilson, Ph.D in Classical Studies, “From Royal Dionysism to Political Theatrics: A Social History of the Pergamene Theater”

2021: chair of committee for Grace Zanotti, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Beyond Retribution: Re-theorizing Justice through Greek Tragedy”

2021: cognate member of committee for John Edwartowski, Ph.D in Music Theory, “Guys and Dolls as a Fluid Text”

2021: member of committee for Rachel Cawkwell, Ph.D in English Literature, “Prison Forms: Genre and Excarceral Politics in Victorian Literature”

2020: co-chair of committee for Megan Berkobien, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “(E)co-Translation: Toward a Collective Task”

2020: member of committee for Ann Bolotin, Ph.D in English Literature, “Elegiac Citizens: Sentimentality during the War on Terror”

2020: member of committee for Adrienne Jacaruso, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “The Encyclopedia Form in the Modern French Novel”

2018: member of committee for Aran Ruth, Ph.D in English Literature, “Aeolian Resonance: Acousmatic Sound and the Nineteenth-Century Imagination”

2018: cognate member of committee for Jules Pegram, D.M.A. in Music Composition

2017: cognate member of committee for Joshua Shipper, Ph.D in Political Science, “Poetry in America: Representing Equality Through Accounts of Poetry in Alexis de Tocqueville, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and John Stuart Mill”

2016: co-chair of committee for Julia Hansen, Ph.D in English Literature,“Transatlantic Vividness: Imagining at a Distance in Nineteenth-Century Poetry”

2016: co-chair of committee for Mei-Chen Pan, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “From Empire to Motherland: Politics of Translation in the Literatures of Transcolonial Taiwan, 1937-1960”

2016: member of committee for Sarah Hakeem Grewal, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Urdu Through Its Others: Ghazal, Canonization, and Translation”

2016: member of committee for Cassie Miura, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “The Humor of Skepticism: Therapeutic Laughter from Montaigne to Milton”

2015: member of committee for Elizabeth McAdams, Ph.D in English Literature,“Turning Japanese: Japonisme in Victorian Literature and Culture”

2014: chair of committee for Adam Mazel, Ph.D in English Literature: “The Work and Play of Rhyme in Victorian Verse Cultures, 1850-1900”

2014: member of committee for David Lucas, Ph.D in English Literature, “The Self in the Song: Identity and Authority in Contemporary American Poetry”

2014: member of committee for Rebecca Ariel Porte, Ph.D in English Literature, “An Agreement with Reality: The Poetry of Logical Modernism”

2014: member of committee for Spencer Hawkins, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Foundational Ambiguities: Metaphor, Translation, and Intertextuality in Hans Blumbenberg’s Metaphorology”

2014: member of committee for Evelyn Adkins, Ph.D in Classical Studies, “Rudi Locutor: Speech and Self-Fashioning in Apuleius’ Metamorphoses”

2013: chair of committee for Matthew Pfaff, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Strange New Canons: The Aesthetics of Classical Reception in American Experimental Poetry”

2013: chair of committee for Michael Rinaldo, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Breaking the Letter:Illegibility as Intersign in Cy Twombly, Steve McCaffery and Susan Howe”

2013: member of committee for Patrick Tonks, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Cannibal Routes: Mapping the Atlantic as a Network of Appropriations”

2013: cognate member of committee for Paul Dooley, D.M.A. in Music Composition

2012: member of committee for Jonathan Rowland, Ph.D in Classical Studies, “Footnotes to Sappho: An Examination of the Female Poets of Greece”

2012: member of committee for Christa Vogelius, Ph.D in English Literature,“The Culture of Ekphrasis in America’s Age of Print, 1830-80”

2012: member of committee for Sarah Ehlers, Ph.D in English Literature, “Red or Dead: States of Poetry in Depression America”

2012: member of committee for Rachel Feder, Ph.D in English Literature,“The Crisis of Infinity: Mathematics, Philosophy, and Nineteenth-Century Poetry”

2011: member of committee for Christopher Davis, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Scribes and Singers: Latin Models of Authority and the Compilation of Troubadour Songbooks”

2011: member of committee for Toshiaki Komura, Ph.D in English Literature,“Poetry of Lost Love: A Study of the Modern Anti-Consolatory Elegy”

2010: member of committee for Gang Liu, Ph.D in Asian Languages and Cultures, “The Poetics of Miscellaneousness: The Literary Design of Liu YiQing’s Qiantang Yishi and its Song-Yuan Historical Context”

2010: member of committee for Michael Tondre, Ph.D in English Literature, “Diffusive Fictions: Theories of Non-Productivity in Victorian Science and Culture”

2009: member of committee for Nicholas Theisen, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Re[a]ding and Ignorance: Poetic Constraints in Lyric”

2009: cognate member of committee for Tucker Fuller, D.M.A. in Music Composition

2009: cognate member of committee for Jeremy Reger, D.M.A. in Collaborative Piano Performance

2008: chair of committee for Sheshalatha Reddy, Ph.D in English Literature (2008, committee chair), “The Poetics of Nation and Empire: Imagining ‘India’ in English”

2008: co-chair of committee for Christopher Love, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “Creating Tragic Spectators: Rebellion and Ambiguity in World Tragedy”

2008: co-chair of committee for David Ruderman, Ph.D in English Literature,“Breathing Space: Infancy and Aesthetics in Nineteenth-century British Poetry and Poetics”

2008: member of committee for Daniel Stevens, Ph.D in Music Theory, “Brahms’s Song Collections: Rethinking a Genre”

2008: member of committee for Ji-Hyae Park, Ph.D in English Literature,“Revising British Aestheticism: Critics, Audiences, and the Problem of Aesthetic Education”

2008: member of committee for Mary-Catherine Harrison, Ph.D in English Literature, “Sentimental Realism: Poverty and the Ethics of Empathy, 1832-67”

2007: chair of committee for Meredith Martin, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, “The Rise and Fall of Meter: Poetic Form and English National Culture 1880-1920”

2007: member of committee for Jill Lamberton, Ph.D in English & Education, “Claiming an Education: The Transatlantic Performance and Circulation of Intellectual Identities in College Women’s Writing, 1870-1900”

2007: member of committee for Renee Silverman, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“The Terrain of Poetry and Cultural Memory in the First Spanish Avant-garde, 1914-1925”

2007: external member of committee for Sally Newman, Ph.D in Women’s Studies (Monash University):“Traces of Desire: Reading the Lesbian Archive”

2007: cognate member of committee for Nathan Zeisler, D.M.A. in Bassoon Performance

2006: chair of committee for Meilee Bridges, Ph.D in English Literature,“Re-Presenting the Past: Literary Excavations of Antiquity in Nineteenth-Century England”

2006: member of committee for Julia Carlson, Ph.D in English Literature, “Romantic Emphasis: Wordsworth’s Poetry and the Marks of Culture, 1750-1850”

2006: cognate member of committee for Kate Bosher, Ph.D in Classical Studies,“Theater of the Periphery: The Social and Political History of Early Theater in Sicily”

2006: cognate member of committee for Bethany Minnemeyer,  D.M.A. in Violin Performance

2005: co-chair of committee for Suzanne Spring, Ph.D in English and Education,“Forming Letters: Mount Holyoke, Emily Dickinson, and Nineteenth-Century Epistolary Composition”

2005: member of committee for Charise Hastings, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“The Performer’s Role: Storytelling in Ballades of Chopin and Brahms”

2005: cognate member of committee for Kristopher Fletcher, Ph.D in Classical Studies,“Ovid, Mythography, and the Translation of Myth”

2005: member of committee for Jessica Forbes Roberts, Ph.D in English Literature,“Genealogies of Convention: Reading the Poetry of Sarah Piatt and Herman Melville in the Nineteenth-Century American Culture of Anthologies”

2005: cognate member of committee for Roshanne Etezady, D.M.A. in Music Composition

2005: cognate member of committee for Rodney Grisanti, D.M.A. in Music Composition

2004: member of committee for Emily Harrington, Ph.D in English Literature,“Lyric Intimacy: Forms of Intersubjectivity in British Women Poets, 1860-1900”  

2004: member of committee for Belinda Kong, Ph.D in English Literature,“Afterlife and Adjacent Life: Species of Displaced Being and the Cultural Politics of Translation”

2004: member of committee for Sean Cotter, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Living Through Translation: Lucian Blaga, T. S. Eliot, and the Cultural Politics of Translation in Modernism” 

2004: external member of committee for Jason Rudy, Ph.D in English Literature (Rutgers University),“Forms of Passion: Victorian Poetry at the Boundaries of Sensibility”

2004: external member of committee for Sharon Bickle, Ph.D in English Literature (Monash University), “A Fellowship: The Letters of Michael Field”

2004: cognate member of committee for Rachel Andrews, D.M.A. in Vocal Performance

2003: chair of committee for Charles Pierre La Porte, Ph.D in English Literature, “Victorian Poetry as Sacred Scripture: Poetic Ambition from Tennyson to George Eliot”

2003: member of committee for Amanda Watson, Ph.D in English Literature,“The Poetics of Memory in Early Modern England”

2003: member of committee for Jean Borger, Ph.D in English Literature, “‘The Artist was a Woman’: Image, Text, and Gender in the Work of Anna Jameson, George Eliot, and Michael Field”

2002: member of committee for Heather Holleman Brown, Ph.D in English Literature,“Romantic Transformations of Shame in the Poetry of William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and Elizabeth Barrett Browning”

2002: cognate member of committee for Lynn Kompass, D.M.A. in Piano and Ensemble Performance

2001: chair of committee for Monika Cassel, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Poetesses at the Grave: Transnational Circulation of Women’s Memorial Verse in Nineteenth-Century England, Germany, and America”

2001: member of committee for Pei-jing Li, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“The Politics and Poetics of Wo/Man/ufacture: Male Representations of Woman in Chinese Han Fu and Roman Love Elegy”

2001: cognate member of committee for John Given, Ph.D in Classical Studies,“Intellectual Poets in Theory and On Stage: Euripides, Aristophanes, Protagoras”

2000: member of committee for Lee Behlman, Ph.D in English Literature, “Faithful unto Death: The Postures of Victorian Stoicism”

1999: chair of committee for Laura Williams, Ph.D in English Literature, “‘I, Writing Thus’: Victorian Women Poets Write the Dramatic Monologue”

1999: cognate member of committee for K. O. Chong-Gossard, Ph.D in Classical Studies,“The Gendering of Silence in Euripidean Tragedy”

1998: cognate member of committee for Kristina Milnor, Ph.D in Classical Studies,“Women, Place, and Public Life in the Age of Augustus”

1997: co-chair of committee for Frauke Lenckos, Ph.D in Comparative Literature, "The Aesthetics of the Sublime and the Marvelous in the Poetry of Annette von Droste-Hulshoff and Christina Rossetti”

1997: member of committee for Michelle Wright, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“Missing Persons: The Search for the Postcolonial Subject in the African Atlantic”

1996: co-chair of committee for Maria Stadter Fox, Ph.D in Comparative Literature,“The Troubling Play of Gender: The Phaedra Dramas of Tsvetaeva, Yourcenar, and H.D.”

1995: member of committee for Cecilia Infante, Ph.D in English Literature, “Male Appropriation of Sappho and Jane Shore in England, 1513-1624”